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Your search returned 651 results.

Appeal petition from Babu Rukmini Kumar Chakravarty Ex-A.S.I. of Police. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-1113 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 547.

Purchase of a house at Habiganj belonging to Maulvi. Azhar Ali, Assistant Inspector of Police. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-726 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 548.

Improvement to the thana buildings and lock up rooms at Habiganj Srimangal and Kanaighat. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-21 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 549.

Proposal for the creation of a new post of Sub-Inspector of Police for the Habiganj P.S. in the Sylhet District. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-733 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 550.

Cases in which special reports are required to be submitted by the Inspector of general of Police. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-2348-954/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 551.

Appeal Petition from Md. Sulaiman, late a constable of the Sylhet District Police for reinstatement. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-1033 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 552.

Recovery of the cost of diet supplied to a patient in the civil Police Hospital, Sylhet. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-944 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 553.

Service Records of A.K. Md. Darasatullah. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. 1E-31/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 554.

Memorial of ex-constable Hari Mohan De, of Sylhet district to H.Q. the governor general of India praying for revision of the order by which he was dismissed. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-1604 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 555.

Declaration of certain villages in the District of Sylhet as Disturbed areas. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. C.P-300 /34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 06, Sl No. 556.

Amendment of Rules 1401 and 1428(a) of P.R.B Regarding Head dress of Panjabi Mohammadan and Sikhs in the Bengal Police Force. by
Material type: Text Text; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P8C-2/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 07, Sl No. 47.

Resolution Passed at the annual conference of presidents of union Boards in the district of Tippera. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P3T-2/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 80.

Question whether the concession of counting military service towards civil pension should be given only in those cases in which military service is immediately followed by civil pension. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P5S-8/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 81.

Cancellation of the administrative approved to the construction of an armed sub-inspector quarters in the Police lines at Burdwan. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P5B-23/ 34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 82.

Proposed amendment to the pension rules for the Eastern Frontier Rifles. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P3M-1/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 83.

Proposed for the supply of Spears and whistles to chaukidars and dafadars as part of the Chaukidari equipment. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P9C-5/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 84.

Recognition of All Bengal Women’s Union for the purpose of sec 4 (7) (C) of the Immoral Traffic Act, 1933. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P9A-1/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 85.

Withdrawal of the Power of the heads of depts and Subordinate authorities to grant Honorarium or to Sanction the Acceptance of fee. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P5P-1/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 86.

Extension of the term of offer of the reward of RS. 5000 in connection with murder of Mr. E.B. Ellison. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P8R-6/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 87.

Orders are issued exempting Mr. A. Whittaker, ICS from payment of license fees. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays ; Audience: General;
Original language: English
Publication details: 1934
Other title:
  • File No. P4E-1/34
Availability: Items available for reference: National Archives of Bangladesh: Not for loan (1)Call number: Rack No. 21, Bundle No. 08, Sl No. 88.


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